Thursday, July 29, 2004

2heads melting Posted by Hello

sketchbook page Posted by Hello

My boss's hand working the inside of our new big sculpture Posted by Hello

So little time, so much Ibiza

Ohhhh, I have been sooooo busy!

As one of my dear friends used to say: Too much distraction on Ibiza to do business.

And so maybe holding a blog is not a business, it sure takes time!
God, ... it has been more than a week without ANY postings from me... have to catch up with thát!

So the following photos are: The melting heads, I guess breaking up with my lover goes deeper than skindeep.   Hurray for the arts! At least it gives me an outlet, haha.
Anyway the idea rose from the babyhead without the face, when I had to cut it off because of the head being wrongly proporsionated.
I loved the artistic looks of it and ideas came roling out.  Thank you, scetchbook!

Right now I am making also the other idea visible on that page: the round head fitting into the halfround one. As a comment of one losing him/herself in his/her lovedone?
Jesus, I am more romantic and  melancholic than I thought!
Well, I think it's good I put in a bit more deeper feelings than in the regular sculptures I make here.

The other photo is my boss, Paco's hand working on the inside of our 'new' sculpture.
Meanwhile that one is modelled already, no more 'working'photos on that one. (have to make the photo of the animal finished).
Good that I have my boss helping me on the big figures, couldn't do without him!!!


Saturday, July 17, 2004

View from the 'office' Posted by Hello

Not only clay photos

Ok, I don´t want to bore everybody with just clay-photos, so here is a photo with a half portret and a view through the window of our design-studio on the first floor of our 1921 original Ibizencan house.

What a mess!

Oh everybody, I am sorry to make such a mess!
to be honoust, sometimes the blogging doesn't go all that easy... So  some photos got mixed up, as you can see.
Anyways, the baby bust is done...
That is, the modelling is done.. now the waiting... the emptying out ( the head is massive, in order to make the piece survive the kiln, it can´t have a thickness of more than aprox 3 cm!), the kiln and the glazing!
(hah, and I thought it was done....!)
Anyways, my boss turned round and says it defenitly looks like his youngest spout.
I asked him if he only said that to make me feel better, but he said it is really an alike portret!
Thank God!

Babyportret, finished modelling Posted by Hello

Baby sculpture, process Posted by Hello

Thursday, July 15, 2004

baby day 3 Posted by Hello

day 3

My god, what have I been taking on???
I don´t think this was such a good idea,... my boss is starting to throw weird looks at my sculpture.... still no negative sounds... but that usually comes next!
I am really doubting if I can do it.
Usually I do my sculptures by the eye, but now I even have gotten the measurements and a calculator to get the dimensions right, haha.
Ok... bless me....

Saturday, July 10, 2004

End day 2 Posted by Hello

End day 2

After the drastic resolucions at the end of day 2 it is getting to get to look like a baby! Haha.
Still a long way to go, I hope I won´t bore you people too much with it!

Drastic solucions Posted by Hello

Baby troubles

Ohh, what have I started??
All types of troubles.... and my boss looking over my shoulder.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Baby bust day 1 Posted by Hello


I thought I already blogged the pictures of my big sculpture...
I hope everyone is impressed!


I thought I already blogged the pictures of my big sculpture...
I hope everyone is impressed!

Metamorphosis Posted by Hello

Baby bust day 1 Posted by Hello

side track exercise

So there I was,
ready with the drawings of the gargouilles... all proyected and ready to show to the French clients, ...
and no space to make that big sculpture.
Then I thought of that other proyect still lingering in my head:
making busts!
I have had some classes lightyears ago from David Smithson back in the days of the Fine art school in Den Bosch (Akademie voor vormgeving en kunst ´s-Hertogenbosch, graduated 1999) and I enjoy modelling faces, or heads.
Usually I don´t have a model to follow and any given outcome, if credible is o.k.
So I wanted the challenge higer: Making the bust of my boss' 2 children. Well, 1 baby, just over a year and the older is now ... about 4 years old.
On the photo day one. Not much happening.
I've shot over a 100 photos of the kids trying to get all angles.. didn't get all as I wanted,
but hey! Am I an artist or what??????
Anyways... I fear a lot of work need to be done still, I suspect some terrible wrong porporcions here....
Comments, anyone????

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Gargoulles & fruits Posted by Hello

Change of ideas

So there I was,
thinking about making my heaven&earth man as a large sculpture... just to find out, there is no real good space for it. Other sculptures are drying.. No room!
And then we got a client who wants to have gargoulles (waterspitters) for his house. No more further information, you´re the artist, go for it.
HELLO INTERNET! I am sooo happy with you! Where do I otherwise find gargolas on an Island which has been deprived of culture up until 40 years ago.
My dear neightbour, 88 years old, handling her goats, chicken and veggies gave me 3 local fruits, presented on the leafs from a tree.
Maybe she has no culture, but she is ... she IS!

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Figure seen on the back Posted by Hello

The figure seen on front Posted by Hello

3 D sketches

The next day, eventhough not blogged the same day (sorry) I started on the 3-D sketches. That means: having an abstract idea in my head, transforming that emotion into a human figure that expresses that.
It´s going to be a figure which balances between heaven & hell.
Not yet clear on the photo, one foot is going to have fire and the other foot consist of clouds. The rest of the body is going to be black, so it won´t interfere with the eyes.
A human flesh colour would rather be like the softened fire colour, and therefore one would think that Hell is winning the person. I want it to be perfect discutable.

El dia siguiente, aunque no lo he blogiado en el internet (lo siento) he empezado en realizar las ideas en ezbozos en 3dimensiones.
Lo que significa: tener una idea abstracta sobre emociones y transformarla en una figura humana que expressa este sensacion.
Va a ser una figura que esta balanceando ente el Cielo y el Infierno.
No se puede verlo en la foto, pero un pie va a tener fuego y el otro nubes. El resto del cuerpo va a ser negro para ser inparte possible. Si escogia el color salmon del piel humano se podia parecer que es el color del fuego suavizado y por esto significara que la persona se va caer al infierno. Y yo quiero la dualidad perfecta.